Billboards 2 Go, Inc’s Elevating Mobile Billboard Ad Truck Technology is Patent Pending and Protected
under U.S. Patent & Trademark Law.
CASH REWARD for information about any person or company representing themselves as (besides
Billboards 2 Go, Inc. will vigorously pursue litigation against infringement of its proprietary assets. The trademarked “Billboards2Go” name is the sole property of Billboards 2 Go, Inc, is registered with US Patents & Trademarks and is for exclusive use by the company only. Other mobile billboard companies using “billboards 2 go” in their promotional materials or emails are doing so illegally. Billboards 2 Go, Inc. insists that the infringing companies Cease and Desists immediately or they will be subject to legal action.
COPYRIGHT 2003 – 2024
The information provided in this Internet site is property of Billboards 2 Go, Inc. and may not be copied without prior written consent. Billboards 2 Go, Inc herein after is referred to as B2G.
This website, and all of its contents, are published solely for self-promotion, business-to-business purpose for the exclusive use of B2G clients, prospects and employees, and is NOT intended for casual viewing purpose by the general public or competitors of B2G. B2G explicitly forbids the down-loading or re-using of any text, audio, visual, or design data without prior written consent from B2G.
This web site may link to sites not maintained or related to B2G. Some Hypertext links may be provided as a service to users and are not sponsored by or affiliated with this web site or B2G. B2G has not reviewed all of the sites hyper-linked to or from this web site and is not responsible for the content of any other sites. The links are to be accessed at the user’s own risk and B2G makes no representations or warranties about the content, completeness, or accuracy of these links or the sites hyperlinked to this web site. Furthermore, B2G does not implicitly endorse third-party sites hyperlinked to this web site. The information, text, graphics, and links are provided by B2G as a convenience to its customers. B2G does not warrant the accuracy, or completeness of the information.
This Site may also contain references to other companies, brands and product names. These companies, brands and product names are used herein for identification purposes only and may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The images of people or places displayed, forms, structures, and graphics displayed within this site are either the property of B2G or the owners of affiliated brands or product names appearing on this site, and B2G makes no representations about them, their owners, their products or services. All clients of B2B are subject to the possibility of having one or more of their mobile billboard campaign photos displayed on the company website or in corporate communications materials.
Furthermore, B2G reserves the right to decline advertising artwork for display that the company believes, in good faith, may have a negative impact on its business or the safety of their billboard operators. B2G specifically does not accept advertising for Adult Entertainment, Boycotts, and other Controversial Messages.
We are pleased to hear from our colleagues and welcome your comments regarding our media services, mobile billboard fleet and products. Unfortunately, however, our long-standing company policy does not allow us to accept or consider creative ideas, suggestions, or materials other than those that we have specifically requested. We hope you will understand that it is the intent of this policy to avoid the possibility of future misunderstandings when projects developed by our professional staff might seem to others to be similar to their own creative work. Please do not send us any unsolicited original creative materials such as designs, ideas, or original artwork. While we do value your feedback on our media services and products, we request that you be specific in your comments.
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