PRO RACING has put together a top-quality professional drag racing team!

Berserk-Dragster-SMTHE TEAM:  Andrew Miller is the Crew Chief transitioning into the lead driver, Mike Walko is the assistant crew chief, John Cerchio is the driver coach, and Russell Miller former lead driver (retiring.)  The mobile billboard race team is a force to contend with. They have raced competitively since 2011 and are now fine-tuning a new (more powerful) engine for their NRHA-certified custom-built fuel-injected dragster. (They’re members of “NRHA” The National Hot Rod Association, which is the leading sanctioning organization of drag racing in the USA, and the nostalgia drag racing group “NETO” North East Timing Organization. )

You may visit the dedicated website featuring:  photos, videos racing schedules, event ticket give-a-ways, pit crewing tours, sponsorship opportunities, Berserk race gear, and more at:

The photo left is the Dragster… “Berserk”